We started one day with one word and wanted to create it in a design we could embroider on a hat. I would tell you the word but its probably not the most positive expression we have came up with lol. We use to outsource our embroidery until one day we decided we didn't want to wait to see our ideas come to life and wala we bought our first commercial embroidery machine. We had no idea how to use it so lets say there was a costly learning curve!. After hundreds of, lets call them sample hats we finally got the hang of the machines. We started with one machine, then another, then another and another until we have finally settled with 2-four head machines, one 6-head machine and 3-single head machines. Its a family owned business. It is my husband Orlando and myself, Daisy and my mom, Ada. I design and operate, Orlando handles the clients and my mom handles the single head machines and does our shipping. Our 3 kids are very hands on too. Our two older kids help with the online and social media and our little ones helps in our store. We opened a retail location in Long Beach, California but 90% of our clients are online. Most of our designs are inspired by a conversation, a song, or a simple every day moment we live. We express ourselves thru the art of thoughts. Enjoy.